Dental Associates Sends 568 Pounds of Candy to Troops Overseas

November 16, 2017

halloween-candy-buy-back.jpgDental Associates’ Green Bay and Appleton clinics collected a total of 568 pounds of candy through their Halloween candy buyback program. The clinics will send all candy collected to U.S. troops overseas through Operation Shoebox and Operation Gratitude.

On November 1 and 2, patients were invited to bring candy to Dental Associates Green Bay and Appleton in exchange for $1 per pound of candy. Green Bay collected 46 pounds and Appleton collected 522 pounds.

Dental Associates encourages parents to help kids make better decisions regarding Halloween candy, since the focus is often placed on gathering as many sugary treats as possible. By teaching parents the risks of allowing kids to eat unlimited candy and providing tips for better options, Dental Associates clinics help parents in the community keep their kids’ teeth healthier.

“By giving kids incentive to trade some of their Halloween candy, we can encourage them to lessen the amount of candy consumed after Halloween and give them a monetary reward for doing so, while simultaneously supporting our troops overseas,” says Mike Kinderman, practice manager at Dental Associates Appleton.

Other tips for helping kids keep their teeth healthy after Halloween include the following:

  • Brush before and after eating candy. This helps remove bacteria from teeth before sugars from candy have a chance to react and produce harmful acid.
  • Limit candy consumption to one or two fun-sized treats after a meal.
  • Offer alternative treats like cheese, frozen fruit, and popcorn.
  • Chew sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva flow and keep bacteria at bay.
  • Drink plenty of water to wash away harmful bacteria.
  • Avoid chewy, sticky, and sour candy, as they coat teeth with sugars.

Learn more about Operation Shoebox and Operation Gratitude.


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Founded in 1974, Dental Associates is Wisconsin’s largest family-owned dental group practice with 15 clinics throughout the state and nearly 850 staff members, including over 90 doctors and 629 operatories. Dental Associates provides complete family dental services, both general and specialty dentistry, from pediatric dentistry to specialized dental services for older adults, with an emphasis on excellent care that is affordable, accessible, and personalized. Dental Associates is the exclusive provider for CarePlus Dental Plans


Lexi Radke
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